How to write a blog post with Harpa AI in 5 Steps (2024)

Chris Rojas
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

Want to craft a High-quality blog post (faster)? What if I told you that there's a practically FREE alternative to tools like Surfer SEO, Jasper AI, or Notion?

This AI tool isn't just a game changer, but rather a LIFE CHANGER in my opinion, and it's called Harpa AI.

Harpa AI can be leveraged to help you complete everyday tasks from summarizing web pages and organizing spreadsheets to marketing campaign ideas and on-page SEO suggestions.

This article is going to be a 5 step process on how to write a blog post with Harpa AI starting from the initial research phase and article outline to choosing your writing style and crafting stunning visuals. 

And just to be clear - this isn't going to be your typical "one shot" blog post writing tutorial where the AI writes the entire article for you. I could have Harpa AI write everything for you, but let's be honest, without any editing or human revision, you won't exactly be the sought-after thought leader you want to be.

My goal is to help you craft a blog post that will help you amplify your voice, save time, save money, rank higher in the SERPS, and engage your readers

What is Harpa AI?

Harpa AI (High Availability Robotic Process Automation), it's a free AI Chrome extension for web automation that's powered by a hybrid AI engine, primarily ChatGPT, but also Claude and Google's Bard.

It can understand the structure and semantics of any web page. This means you have an AI assistant at your fingertips that's integrated into your web browser (let that sink in for a second). 

Here's Why You Should Use Harpa AI...

What would it be like if you could get even the simplest of tasks done at a faster and more efficient rate with less headache?

This is where Harpa AI comes in, like a genie, ready to grant your digital wishes (prompts) and transform your tasks into effortless operations, one command at a time.

How to write a blog post with Harpa AI

Let me give you a better idea of what this AI Chrome extension can do:

  • Swiftly Summarize Content: You can get the gist of lengthy articles within seconds to help you with quick content understanding.
  • Enhanced Communication: From replying to emails to tracking conversations, communication has never been this seamless.
  • Data Extraction: Whether you’re spying on competitors, monitoring price drops, or extracting crucial information for SEO, Harpa AI fetches the data you need effortlessly.
  • Multilingual Capabilities: Break language barriers with instant translations, expanding your reach to global audiences.
  • SEO Optimization: Using Harpa AI for SEO can elevate your content's search engine performance by incorporating SEO strategies and keywords.
  • Diverse Automation Options: Writing code, analyzing content, and monitoring price drops are just a glimpse of the extensive capabilities Harpa AI offers.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy accessibility combined with a clean design ensures you have the best experience while maximizing productivity.

And this isn't even half of what Harpa AI can do. There are a lot more use cases.

 Accessing Harpa AI in 3 steps:

In order to use the generative AI features from Harpa, you'll have to have an account with either a ChatGPT, Claude, Google Bard, or an Open AI API key. 

Otherwise, if you're just using it for automation and monitoring tasks, then you don't need an LLM service provider. But in this case, I recommend you get a ChatGPT account, if you don't have one already.

Here are the following steps to access Harpa AI:

1. Go to and click on “Get Free Plug-in”.

2. Next, it will take you to the Chrome web store where you’ll have to “Add to Chrome”.

3. Now you’re in. Simply pin Harpa AI to your Chrome toolbar and you’re ready to go.

How to write a blog post with Harpa AI

You can call Hapra on any site by hitting "Alt + A" for Windows or "Ctrl + A" for Mac. You'll see Harpa pop up on the right side of your screen in your browser.

Crafting your post with Harpa AI in 5 Steps

You know what Harpa AI is, you have it installed, so now let's go through the step-by-step process of generating your blog post using Harpa AI, (assuming you already have your keyword in mind).

If you are using your ChatGPT account and you have ChatGPT Plus, you can switch back and forth between GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 by simply going down and clicking on the icon on the bottom left corner or pressing "-3" for GPT-3.5 or "-4" for GPT-4 before any prompt.

How to write a blog post with Harpa AI

I recommend using GPT-4  for better quality output but if you only have GPT 3.5 then that's fine, this will still work. 

You'll also notice 3 icons at the bottom. Make sure you have both the "magnifying glass" icon enabled so that Harpa AI is able to scan any page and the "world" icon so that Harpa can run web searches for you.

Step 1. Competitor SERP Analysis and LSI Keywords

Before you start typing a single word, you have to grasp the competitive landscape. You'll want to do a Google search, see what pages are ranking for your given keyword to assess the competition, and find out the user intent for the keyword.

Paid tools like Surfer SEO analyze the top-ranking pages in the SERPs and extract SEO data-driven insights to give you recommendations when creating your content. You're going to have Harpa AI do something similar for you.

After you type in your keyword in the Google search bar, click on the top-ranking page. Pull up Harpa AI and make sure that you have the "Page Aware" icon selected at the bottom as this will allow Harpa to scan the page and give you relevant content from your inputs. Use the following prompts:

Key point extraction

Prompt to Use:  "Extract the article's main key points. Include the headings as well."
This command will help Harpa AI dissect top-ranking articles for key points, providing a foundation for your content. That way, you have all of the critical information needed to draft your article.

LSI Keyword Extraction

Prompt to Use: "Extract the LSI Keywords from the article."This will help ensure your content's SEO relevance by integrating these keywords, elevating your potential search engine ranking. LSI stands for "Latent Semantic Indexing". They are basically keywords that are related or relevant to the main keyword.

You can copy all of Harpa AI's outputs, like the key points and LSI keywords, into a separate Google Doc to have it laid out and easily visible to you. But that's entirely up to you.

I recommend using these two prompts with the top 3 to 5 ranking articles in the SERPS. 

Step 2. Construct Your Article Outline

Now that you've done your due diligence and had Harpa AI help you gather some relevant information from the top-ranking articles, it's time to turn that all into one comprehensive article outline.

Your outline is like the "skeleton" of the article. It helps you have a solid foundation and structure for the content of your article, making it nice and organized.

Article Outline

Prompt to Use: "Based on the following key points and summary of the content, create an article outline for my blog on the topic of [TOPIC GOES HERE], that includes all of these key points, FAQs, and anything else that would make the article more comprehensive:" [Copy and paste the extracted key points and summaries of the articles here]

This prompt will give you a structured blueprint from the key points that were extracted, ensuring your content covers all necessary areas.

Step 3. Creating Your Rough Draft

Now it's time to create a rough draft based on the generated outline. Why do you want a rough draft? Because it gives you a good starting point to visually see the article flow and opens opportunities for refinement. The good news is that you'll have Harpa Ai generate the draft for you.

Amplifying your own style

If you want to maintain your brand's unique voice and consistency before generating the rough draft, or any type of content using Harpa AI, you can have it mimic your style simply by copying and pasting a sample of your writing and it will save it in its database. 

Prompt to use: "Mimic writing - Teach me how to mimic your writing style in reply, rewrite, and compose commands. Works best with GPT-4.

Alternatively, if you don't have a specific writing style or don't know where to start, Harpa AI can help you out with that (which I'll show you below).

Next, you'll want to use Harpa Ai's built-in prompt template in this case. Type "/" followed by "compose". (It should auto-populate).

Compose Article

Prompt to Use: "Compose Productivity Craft any type of text content — tweets, email replies, direct messages, blog posts & articles, job descriptions — in a variety of styles."

How to write a blog post with Harpa AI

The "Compose” prompt lets you generate articles in a variety of styles fit for different platforms, such as social media, websites, and marketing channels to help your content stand out.

In this case, choose “Article” since you're writing a blog post with Harpa AI. You then have the option to pick the article length (small, medium, large, or unlimited).

After choosing your article length, Harpa AI will ask “What do you want your article to say or be about?” This is where you'll paste the article outline generated earlier followed by all of the extracted LSI keywords.

Create Blog Content

Prompt to use: Write an article on the topic "[BLOG POST TOPIC GOES HERE]" using the following outline generated: [ARTICLE OUTLINE GOES HERE]. Also, include the following LSI Keywords using them naturally throughout the article: [LSI KEYWORDS GO HERE]. Additionally, the content should mimic the unpredictability of human writing, and avoid formulaic writing styles. This means integrating idioms, colloquialisms, or potential minor errors typically found in human-written text.

Select Your Writing Style

After you copy and paste your article outline and LSI keywords, Hapra will ask, "What should be my writing style?"

How to write a blog post with Harpa AI

 There are 18 distinct writing styles available for you, divided into four main groups:

  1. Marketing and Persuasion Techniques
  2. Information and Analysis Techniques
  3. Storytelling and Professional Communication Techniques
  4. Academic, Opinion, and Creative Writing Styles

Examples of these styles include:

  • AIDA: Focuses on grabbing the reader's attention and interest, generating Desire, and inducing Action.
  • PASTOR: A comprehensive approach that starts by identifying a problem, underscores its importance, provides a solution, and calls for action.
  • FAB: Showcases a product or service's Features, its Advantages over competitors, and the Benefits to the audience.
  • SCIPAB: A business-oriented style that addresses intricate issues systematically and persuasively by describing the Situation, identifying the Complication, discussing the Implications, positing a Position, recommending an Action, and concluding with the Benefit.
  • PREP: Clarifies communication by stating a Point, offering a Reason for it, supporting it with an example, and then reiterating the Point.
  • KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid): Emphasizes clear and uncomplicated communication, urging you to deliver your content in the most straightforward manner possible)

Choose one that resonates with your blog's theme. If you already had Harpa mimic your style then simply enter and it should write the article in that tone of voice. 

Remember, use the article that Harpa generates as a ROUGH DRAFT. I know it's tempting to go ahead and post. But trust me, human revision is necessary.

Step 4. Edit Your Article (A MUST!)

At this point, you should have a decent rough draft that you can build upon to add your own personal narrative. Remember, there's a lot of content out there, so making yourself stand out is a MUST. 

AI is great at providing information, but you still have to add your experience, opinions, personality, and creativity. Here are some editing guidelines to help you:

Review the AI-Generated Draft: Regardless of what people say, it should never be a "one-and-done" deal. Look at the draft and make sure that there's coherence and logical flow happening. The content should be up to par with your objectives.

Add Personal Insights: If you want your readers to trust you and your content stand in Google's good graces, you have to add your personal experiences or anecdotes to be more authentic. Don't be afraid to give your own unique opinions or viewpoints on the topic.

Proofread for Grammar and Structure: It never hurts to use grammar-checking tools. Manually read through for context-specific errors that the AI might have missed.

Optimize for SEO: Make sure that your keywords flow naturally throughout your article and check the quality and relevance of internal and external links. Don't just add links for the sake of it.

Add a Personal Touch: As I mentioned earlier, you want to adjust the tone or style to align with your unique voice. The good thing is that Harpa AI has a lot of styles and examples that you can choose from if you need inspiration. Ensure the content resonates with your target audience.

Final Review: Go over the article again to ensure all edits integrate seamlessly. You should have an article that remains cohesive and engaging from start to finish.

Step 5. Enhance with Visual Elements

What's a post without some nice visuals to help tell your story and keep your readers from yawning or leaving your page? 

"People remember visual information 6x better than the information they have read or heard. The click-through-rate (CTR) of a website is about 47% higher in sites containing images." - Social Media Today 1

Harpa AI has two powerful prompts that will not only help you identify the most strategic spots for imagery in your content but also guide you in crafting stunning images that "wow" your readers and resonate with your content.

Identify Image Opportunities

Prompt to Use: "Image briefs for SEO blog articles

Finding the right images and where to place them in your content can be a headache and If you're like me, you don't want to use just any old image, especially the played-out stock images that are available online. 

The prompt will determine where images can be strategically placed in your article. It will also give you ideas for each image as far as visual appearance. 


After Harpa generates your image brief, the next thing you want to do is use the "Midjouney Prompt Wizard" command.

Note: You'll need to create a Midjourney account if you don't have one already. Their basic plan starts at $10 a month (super affordable).

Use Midjourney Prompt Wizard

After Harpa generates your image brief, the next thing you want to do is use the "Midjouney Prompt Wizard" command. You'll need to create a Midjourney account if you don't have one already. Their basic plan starts at $10 a month (super affordable).

How to write a blog post with Harpa AI

Prompt to use: "Midjourney prompt wizard Generative AI Creates Midjourney prompts"

You'll have instant access to over 30 distinct design templates or you can use a custom design if you have one in mind. Otherwise, hit the "Quick" option if you just want something fast. 

Harpa will then ask you for a "Keyword, topic, or idea to draw". This is where you'll want to copy and paste your image brief. After doing this, you'll get a list of highly detailed image prompts so you can copy and paste them into Midjourney.

Combining image briefs with the Midjourney prompt will unlock a balanced blend of SEO and visual appeal. 

BONUS - Prompt Ideas

With Harpa AI (or ChatGPT), the creativity and ideology when it comes to engineering prompts are nowhere near finite. You just have to open your mind a little to the possibilities. 

In this case, you're creating a blog post and you want it to be helpful, so you need to consider your audience before anything else. 

What problems do they face? What are their interests, fears, and desires? What other information can help them?

Here are some prompt ideas to stimulate some creativity in your brain:

Competitor Gap Analysis:

  • Prompt to Use: "Analyze the top 5 blogs on [YOUR BLOG TOPIC] and identify what topics or angles they missed that I can cover. Please include the links to the articles."

By identifying gaps in your competitors' content, you can offer unique value to your readers.

Tailored Solutions:

  • Prompt to Use: "Suggest 5 solutions to the most common problems faced by readers of [YOUR BLOG TOPIC]." Please provide links."

Harpa AI can use its 'page aware' capability to draw contextually relevant solutions for your audience.

Audience Trend Analysis:

  • Prompt to Use: "Provide links to the latest trends and challenges related to [YOUR BLOG TOPIC] from the past six months."

Utilizing Harpa AI's web search capabilities, can offer a fresh perspective on the current state of your topic area. Google likes fresh content.

Relevant Statistics:

  • Prompt to Use: "What statistics could be relevant to [YOUR BLOG TOPIC]? Please provide links."

You can have Harpa AI give you relevant statistics for your article to boost credibility, trust, and reader engagement.

Quotes to Reference:

  • Prompt to Use: "What quotes could I reference that are relevant to [YOUR BLOG TOPIC]? Please provide links."

Quotes are always a great way to offer diverse perspectives and angae your readers with impactful insights. Use Harpa to find the best quotes for you.

Remember, you're not limited to the prompts I've set out here. The prompts I've laid out are ones that have helped me tremendously and I'm confident that they'll have you. But ultimately, you know what's best for your audience in your respective niche. So don't be afraid to test and try different ones.


I've laid out a framework that will help you create an engaging article in less time with Harpa AI and I think now you see why this free AI Chrome extension tool is very powerful and why it's a tool I can't live without.

From the competitor research and LSI keyword extraction to creating the article outline, rough draft, and adding attractive visual elements, you can use Harpa AI to assist throughout your entire blog creation process from end to end.

I even added those bonus prompts in there for you, not just to showcase the power of Harpa AI and what you can do with it, but how it can help provide immense value to your audience.

Remember, creating the best content doesn't mean creating search-engine-first content or the even fanciest article. It simply means the most HELPFUL and RELIABLE content - And these aren't just my words, these are coming straight from Google's guidelines.

I hope this post was helpful and thanks for reading!

Have you used Harpa AI? How would you use Harpa AI to help with your blog creation process? I'd love to know!