How to Use Answer The Public For Traffic Growth (2024)

Chris Rojas
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

As the information age continues to expand, organic traffic has become one of the most sought-after sources of website visits.

This is because organic traffic is not only free but generally reliable and can give you a better understanding of how users interact with your website.

However, organic traffic isn't always easy to come by.

One of the most successful ways to increase organic traffic is through content marketing and Answer The Public is an incredibly helpful tool that allows you to see what people are asking relating to a specific topic.

In this blog post, I'll go over 5 effective ways on how to use Answer The Public, and how it can help your business grow its organic traffic.

What is Answer The Public?

Answer The Public is a free keyword research tool that provides marketers with an in-depth look at what people are asking about specific topics.

When you type in a keyword or topic, Answer The Public will produce a list of questions containing the words you've entered inside whats called a "search cloud".

How to use answer the public

It collects data from search engines like Google to display relevant questions that users have asked about the topic you’re researching.

Here are a few reasons why you should know how to use Answer The Public:

  • It helps you understand what people are looking for - Answer the Public allows you to see the various ways people are searching for your topic, which can help you develop more effective content.
  • It provides insights into customer pain points - This information can be used to develop more targeted content and solutions.
  • It helps you develop better content ideas - It groups related searches together which can give you a better idea of the topics that are most popular and allow you to develop more focused content ideas.
  • Answer the public can be used to improve your SEO strategy - You can optimize your content with long tail keywords to rank higher in search engine results pages. This will help you reach more people with your marketing messages.
  • It's a free tool to start - You can start using Answer the Public for free and upgrade to a paid plan if you need additional features. But the free version is still robust and allows up to 3 searches daily.

5 effective ways to use Answer the Public for increased traffic.

1.) Narrow down search intent.

Every google search has intent, so it’s important to understand and identify what type of content people are looking for before you start your keyword research.

Are they looking for a specific answer? Do they want information on how to do something?

For example, there's a difference between someone going into Google and typing in “best online course for coding” versus “how to learn to code”.

Understanding the differences between these two queries will give you a better idea of what type of content you should be creating.

Note: You can change the display setting from "visualization" to "data" to get an overview that might be easier for you to read.

How to use answer the public

2.) Choose a relevant topic.

Once you have an idea of what people are looking for, it’s time to choose a topic.

Type in a keyword or phrase that relates to your topic and click enter. Answer The Public will then generate a list of questions related to the keyword you’ve entered.

You can also filter the results by the following categories:

“Questions”- which includes questions people have asked about the topic.

“Prepositions”- which shows different ways to ask a question about the keyword.

“Comparisons”- which provides answers to questions such as “what’s better?” or “which is best?".

"Alphabetical"- which gives you a list of questions related to the keyword in alphabetical order.

"Related"- which provides other related keywords that you can use to further refine your research.

How to use answer the public

Answer the public will give you a wealth of information that can help you develop a more effective content strategy and increase traffic to your website.

By creating content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience, you can help increase traffic to your website or blog.

And when your content is relevant and useful, you're more likely to build an engaged following that will continue to come back for more.

3.) Use the data to create helpful content.

Now that you understand the questions people are asking about your topic, then you'll need to start creating content that provides the answers your target audience is looking for.

For example, if you’re creating an article on "how to write a blog post", you could use data from Answer The Public to come up with ideas for topics that are relevant and popular.

You can also use the data to develop content around related topics such as "blog ideas", "how to promote your blog post", or "which tools you should be using when writing a blog post".

Consider this, if you’re able to create content that provides the best answer and solution to the searcher's question, then you'll build real trust and attract relevant traffic and lead engagement.

4.) Implement SEO best practices.

Once you’ve created content around the question queries and topics people are asking, it’s time to make sure it's optimized for search engine optimization (SEO) best practices.

By using keywords in your titles, headlines, meta descriptions, and throughout your content, search engines like Google will be able to accurately index and rank your pages.

Another great benefit to adding relevant keywords to your content is that you’ll be helping potential customers find your articles and posts.

5.) Optimize for google's featured snippets.

Featured snippets are the little boxes you see at the top of some search engine results pages (SERPs).

How to use answer the public

According to a study by Ahrefs, out of 112 million search queries, 14 million have featured snippets in their search results.

These snippets give searchers quick answers to their questions without having to click through to a website.

To optimize for a featured snippet, use relevant keywords and create content that is concise and easy to read.

Be sure to use headers, lists, and other visuals in the answer box that make it easy for search engines to identify the content as an answer to a question.

By creating helpful content around featured snippets, you can increase your chances of appearing at the top of organic search results.

Key considerations for successfully using Answer The Public.

Answer The Public is a great tool for quickly getting valuable insight into what people search regarding your topic.

But it’s important to remember that you still need to do the research and create helpful content around the questions you uncover.

Take advantage of Answer The Public's filtering options to refine your search term or phrases and make sure you’re creating content that is relevant to your target audience.

Be sure to use SEO best practices and optimize for featured snippets if you want your content to be found by the right people at the right time.

Remember that content creation is an iterative process - so you shouldn't expect results overnight.

Taking it to the next level: How to promote your content after using Answer the Public.

It doesn't just stop after you've created content using Answer The Public, at least not if you want to drive more traffic and engagement to your website.

Once your content is live on your website, you need to start promoting it so that more people can find it.

Here are some ways to promote your content:

Social Media

One of the most popular (and easiest) ways to promote content is through social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Share your content on your social profiles, as well as on any relevant industry groups or pages.

Email Marketing

If you have a database of customers or subscribers, email is a great way to promote your content.

Include a link to your latest blog post or video in your next newsletter or promotional email blast.

Guest Blogging

A guest blog post is when you write an article for another website or blog in exchange for a link back to your web page.

This is a great way to get exposure for your site and build up backlinks at the same time.

Just make sure that you're only guest blogging on sites that are relevant to your niche.

Forum Posting

Join any relevant online forums or message boards and be active in the community.

When you have something valuable to share, include a link to your content in your signature or post it directly in the thread (if it's allowed).

Paid Advertising

If you want to reach a larger audience quickly, paid advertising can be an effective option.

Google AdWords and Facebook Ads are two of the most popular platforms for this purpose.

Just be sure to set a budget and target your ads carefully so you don't end up wasting money on clicks that don't convert.

Alternatives to Answer The Public

Using answer the public to generate content ideas is a great starting point, but here are some other tools and strategies you can use to get creative with your content:

Google Keyword Planner: This free tool from Google can help you research and find keywords related to your topic.

Moz Keyword Explorer: This paid tool from Moz offers extensive keyword research capabilities, including the ability to filter by keyword difficulty, search volume, and more.

WordStream: Another paid option, WordStream offers a variety of features for keyword research, including a keyword generator and a negative keyword tool.

SERPStat: This paid tool offers comprehensive keyword research capabilities, including the ability to track competitor keyword rankings.

Google Trends: This free tool allows you to track and compare search trends for different keywords over time.

Quora: This platform is a great place to find questions related to your niche that people are already asking.

You can use these questions as the basis for content topics, or simply get inspiration from them.

No matter which tool you use for keyword research, make sure to consider the needs of your audience and target market when choosing keywords.

Wrapping up and my experience using Answer The Public.

Answer The Public has been an invaluable tool for generating content ideas, even for my website.

I've found it to be incredibly helpful in discovering topics that I hadn't even thought of, and its intuitive user interface makes it easy to use.

On top of that, the data provided by Answer The Public has allowed me to create engaging and informative content that resonates with my audience.

If you're looking for a way to come up with creative and unique content ideas, I would highly recommend giving Answer The Public a try, especially since the free version is still robust.

You won't be disappointed!

With the right strategies in place, promoting your content can be an effective way to drive more traffic to your website and reach a larger audience.

Whether you use social media, email marketing, guest blogging, forum posting, or paid advertising, make sure you're taking the time to get the most out of each platform.

Take advantage of tools like Answer The Public to generate even more content ideas and ensure that whatever you put out there is relevant and engaging.

Good luck and thanks for reading!

If you have any other tips or advice for getting the most out of Answer The Public, please share them in the comments section! I'd love to hear your thoughts.