Digital Creator Vs Content Creator: Exploring Roles in 2024

Chris Rojas
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

We live in a time where digital platforms transform individuals into impactful online personalities.

However, there's confusion about the different types of roles that exist, especially between digital creators and content creators.

What's the difference? Are they not the same thing? This article will explore and clarify the distinct roles of Digital Creators vs Content Creators.

Here's a quick answer for you:

These two forces hold the power of the internet to share content, BUT they differ in approach. Digital creators focus on creating content primarily consumed in digital formats, while content creators have a broader spectrum that includes both digital and non-digital (offline) content.

With that in mind, let's go a little deeper into what really sets these two roles apart and what makes each of them tick in their own unique way.

So, What's a Digital Creator?

A digital creator specializes in content specifically designed for online and digital platforms. They're good at handling visual and multimedia elements with a passion for the latest technology.

Digital Creator vs Content Creator

Think of them as your go-to for everything from eye-catching graphics to interactive web experiences, wielding their skills with tools like Adobe Creative Suite and 3D modeling software.

But wait, there's more to their story...

Digital creators are the ones behind the diverse content you see on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or even those engaging blog posts on websites (like this one).

They're all about creating content that's not just visually stunning but also captures your attention, whether it's for a personal brand or collaborations with brands.

From videos and graphics to blog posts and social media, they do it all. These are the ones to watch – they're shaping the online world with their creativity.

Key Skills:

  • Proficiency in video editing software, animation tools, and graphic design programs.
  • Mastery of creating visually captivating content, including videos, graphics, and interactive web experiences.
  • Expertise in building personal brands and collaborating with brands for digital content creation.

What's a Content Creator?

On the flip side, a Content Creator is someone who crafts material both online and offline, so they're not confined to just pixels.

Digital Creator vs Content Creator

It's someone who's just as comfortable penning an engaging article for a website as they are creating a compelling script for a radio ad or a captivating piece for a magazine.

Content Creators understand the nuances of engaging an audience through a blog post just as well as they do through a live seminar or a printed piece.

Their skillset is diverse, including writing, photography, video production, and sometimes even offline event planning.

Key Skills:

  • They can craft both digital and non-digital content, such as blogs, podcasts, radio ads, and magazine articles.
  • Prioritization of narrative and messaging through skills in writing, photography, and video production.
  • They can engage audiences wherever they are, including blogging sites, podcasts, and social media.
  • They can utilize SEO and marketing tools for content optimization and audience engagement.

Digital Creators vs Content Creators - The Differences

I'm going to zero in on the main differences that set digital creators apart from content creators. You're going to find out about their unique roles, the platforms they favor, how they engage with their audiences, and the objectives behind their content creation.

Digital Creators:

  • Focus primarily on digital platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.
  • Excel in creating visually stunning content using tools like video editors, animation software, and graphic design programs.
  • Engage audiences through visually driven content, including videos, graphics, and interactive web experiences.
  • Often build personal brands and collaborate with other brands for digital content creation.

Content Creators:

  • Produce a mix of digital and non-digital content, including blogs, podcasts, radio ads, and magazine articles.
  • Prioritize narrative and message in their content creation, often through writing, photography, and video production.
  • Engage audiences on a variety of platforms, including blogging sites, podcasts, and social media.
  • Align their work with goals like education, information dissemination, and marketing strategies.

This isn't just about creating content, it's also about having clear goals. A digital creator might aim to build a personal brand or showcase artistic skills, whereas a content creator could be aligning their work towards educating, informing, or driving a marketing strategy.

Digital Creator vs Content Creator Salary

If we're talking jobs, here's how much you can potentially earn:

As of January 2024, Digital Creators in the U.S. are making an average hourly rate of $47.25 per hour. That's quite the range, from a cool $16.35 to a whopping $88.22 per hour.

The most common range? Between $25.48 and $61.30 per hour. This means there's plenty of room for growth based on your skills, location, and experience. Over in Philadelphia, the average goes up slightly to $48 per hour.

RoleAverage Hourly RateAverage Annual SalarySalary RangeDigital Creator$47.25$98,272$16.35 - $88.22 per hourContent Creator$56.06$116,615$29,500 - $129,000 annually

Content Creators in 2024, they're looking at an average annual salary of $116,615, which translates to about $56.06 an hour, $2,242 weekly, or $9,717 per month.

But the pay varies with the highest earners making up to $129,000 and the lowest around $29,500 annually. Keep in mind that these figures can vary depending on experience, industry, and more.

You can also go the freelance route and have the flexibility of choosing your projects and working where you want with who you want.

Income-wise, the sky's the limit for you as a freelancer because you can set your rates and scale your earnings based on the volume and nature of your work.

You could start by setting your hourly rate at $40 for content creation services on a platform like Upwork. Initially, you work 20 hours a week, earning $800 weekly.

As your reputation grows and you secure more clients, you could increase your rate to $60 per hour. Even if you maintain a 20-hour workweek, your income jumps to $1,200 weekly.

Of course, I'm just tossing up numbers as an example but you have the power to adjust your income by strategically setting your rates and managing your workload.


Can anyone be a digital creator?

ABSOLUTELY. Anyone with a passion for digital content, like graphics or videos, and a willingness to learn can become a digital creator. Be creative and master digital creator tools.

But that also doesn't mean that every digital creator will automatically bring value to the table. It takes more than just using tools or having basic skills, even though it's a starting point.

You have to combine creativity, dedication to quality, understanding what your audience needs, and continuously honing your craft, especially if you want any chance to stand out.

Who is considered a content creator?

As I mentioned, it's someone who develops material either for online or offline media. This can range from writing articles and making podcasts to producing videos and more.

If you're creating content to engage an audience, you're a content creator!

How do I make myself a digital creator?

  1. Start by identifying your niche or interest.
  2. Decide on a platform relevant to your chosen niche.
  3. Plan out your content by brainstorming ideas and sorting them into a content calendar.
  4. Start creating and publishing your content.
  5. Promote your content to boost engagement and gain more traction.

I have an entire guide on what a digital creator is if you're interested in learning more.

Can I be a content creator with no experience?

We all start somewhere, right? Start with learning the basics, and practicing your skills. Gradually you'll build up your experience.

Just make sure you TAKE ACTION and don't overthink it. (Easier said than done, but just start!)

Can anyone become a digital creator on Facebook?

Definitely. Facebook and other social media platforms are great places to start. You just need to create content that resonates with your audience and use the platform's tools to share it widely.

So if that's the path you want to take then I suggest you learn how to become a digital creator on Facebook.

Wrapping Up Our Chat - Digital Creator vs Content Creator

I know there's a lot of confusion out there with these nuanced terms, including digital creator vs content creator. Which is exactly why I wanted to explain the distinctions to you.

Just to recap - Digital creators focus on digital formats, leveraging technology to create visually captivating content. Content creators, on the other hand, span a broader spectrum, producing both digital and offline content.

So what's the takeaway from all of this? There are HUGE amounts of opportunities in either path.

The journey to becoming a successful creator in either domain requires passion, creativity, and a continuous effort to adapt and grow in response to evolving digital trends.

Whether you opt for a salaried role or the freelance path, remember that your unique voice and dedication to your craft are what will ultimately define your success in this exciting field.

And of course, I am here to help you along the way. So feel free to drop any questions or comments down below!